Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is Metamail?

A: Metamail is a new type of email. Its name comes from the Greek word 'meta' meaning 'more than'. Metamail's remarkable new look and feel includes powerful security features designed to eliminate spam, viruses and online fraud. The Metamail Message Format (MMF) has been specifically designed for the complex needs of today's Inbox.


Q: Who can send Metamail messages?

A: Only Authorized Trusted Publishers to whom you have previously given your email address and permission can send you a Metamail message. Metamail Trusted Publishers must adhere to industry best practices and legal standards governing permission-based email. Metamail includes a built-in reporting feature that allows you to report potential policy violations directly to the Metamail Trusted Publisher Network. Simply click on the Metamail Reader Help menu and follow the instructions.


Q: How do I view a Metamail message?

A: Metamail messages can only be viewed using Metamail Reader. This software automatically verifies the identity and integrity of every Metamail message before opening. The Metamail Reader must be installed on your computer before opening and viewing Metamail messages. The Metamail Reader is provided free of charge and normally comes bundled with a new product or service that you have registered to receive. In addition, you can download and install the latest version of Metamail Reader at any time. The Metamail Reader plugs into all leading email client and web mail applications, including Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, Eudora, Netscape, Hotmail, Yahoo and more. To view a Metamail message simply double-click the message in your Inbox, as you would any other email. This will automatically launch the Metamail Reader and display the message as intended.


If you use another email program:

  1. Double-click the Metamail message you want to open.
  2. Once the message is open, double-click the attached .mmf file located at the bottom of the message.

This launches Metamail and displays the message as intended.


Q: How does Metamail protect me from spam, viruses, fraud and spyware programs?

A: Metamail only licenses its message creation tools to reputable organizations that abide by industry best practices and laws governing commercial email and consumer privacy regulations. Metamail is used for permission-based customer communication purposes only. Metamail maintains a global Trusted Publisher Network that operates around the clock, automatically ensuring that only messages from properly licensed organizations can be opened and displayed using our software. In addition, every Metamail message is automatically screened for viruses before sending. Metamail can be uninstalled at any time using standard utilities located in the Control Panel of your operating system.


Q: How does Metamail different from HTML email?

A: Metamail was specifically designed for the needs of today's Inbox.


Q: What type of computer system do I need?

A: Any Pentium-class PC (133 MHz or higher) with at least 32 MB RAM and a 32-bit video card with minimum 256 color resolution. Supported operating systems include Microsoft Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT or XP running Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 or higher.