Trusted Publishing

Metamail is a new email file format designed to guarantee the integrity and safety of email. To date, email has been limited to two file formats, plain text (ASCII) and HTML, neither of which is inherently secure. Metamail is the first XML-based messaging format specifically engineered for the inbox.

The Metamail Trusted Publishing solution ensures that all messages are 100% SPAM-free and trustworthy.

Metamail's digital signature technology verifies both the identity of the sender and the integrity of every message. The Metamail process is remarkably simple. Trusted Publishers are issued private keys used in creating and signing Metamail messages. End users receive public keys used to validate the messages.

At the heart of the system is the Metamail Message Format (MMF). When a Metamail message arrives in a user's inbox, clicking on the message launches the Metamail Reader, an intelligent client application that automatically decodes and verifies every message prior to opening. If a message has been altered in any way, or the identity of the sender is not a confirmed Trusted Publisher, the Metamail client software will refuse to open the message, automatically alerting the Metamail Trusted Publisher Network.

Metamail messages can be created quickly and easily using Metamail Publisher, the industry's first XML-based Email Publishing tool. Each Trusted Publisher partner is provided with a protected copy of Metamail Publisher, which includes a unique publisher certificate. When an MMF message is created, the message is signed using the Trusted Publisher's certificate, which is managed by Metamail Corporation on behalf of the Publisher. The Metamail message is delivered to the recipient using standard email transports. The Metamail Reader references a local list of Trusted Publishers to ensure that the message was sent by a Metamail Certified Trusted Publisher. The Metamail Reader client runs continuously on the user's desktop, communicating with the Metamail Network to maintain an up-to-date list of Trusted Publishers.

Metamail tracks and manages all Publishing Certificates. Trusted Publishers must abide by CAN SPAM regulations and industry-standard best practices, as well Metamail's own strict licensing provisions. As a Trust Authority, Metamail ensures the highest level of consumer confidence with real-time security monitoring and enforcement.

Trush Architecture

Trusted Publishing Network Architecture.